Latech MLG Line Laser Pointer > 질문답변

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Latech MLG Line Laser Pointer

페이지 정보

작성자 David O 작성일21-11-16 00:31 조회162회 댓글0건


Dear Partner,
We’re engineering and trading company of industrial automation in Hungary, Europe and I’m turning to you with our RFQ.
I’d like your best reseller offer for our tender for the items below:

Latech MLG633-60 Line Laser Pointer
Please attach datasheets for the products.
Please add approximate weight and dimensions data for shipment calculation to Hungary.
Please share delivery time and stock information
Please send us your quote by November 16th End Of Business day 2021.
Thank you and looking forward for your response.

please send your offer to the email address.

Best regards,
David Oveges


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